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KOICA 해외파견

아프리카 탄자니아의 키혼다 중등학교 선생님들에게 안부를 전합니다.

To : Africa Tanzania Kihonda Secondary school Teachers.

Korea is spring when all things revive. Today I went to the spring flower festival at Ku Rye in KOREA. I saw yellow flowers and green sprouts in the fields. 
When I look at them and I have new dream also. 
By the way 
I give my best regards to my Kihonda secondary school colleagues. 
'I am doing well in Korea.'
My physical condition will be better.

Here are Yellow flowers we call are SAN SU YOO. It is the beautiful spring news of Korea.

I hope that all of us who wish to read this article will be made available in 2017.
I send pictures of spring in Korea. I hope everyone will be happy.

이미지: 사람 1명, 서 있음, 산, 하늘, 실외, 자연
이미지: 하늘, 산, 구름, 실외, 자연
이미지: 사람 1명 이상, 산, 하늘, 실외, 자연
이미지: 사람 1명, 서 있음, 하늘, 구름, 실외